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Discover more about Bolivia through our well researched and informative blog posts. Topics include travel locations, travel advice, unforgettable cultural events, food and restaurant recommendations and more!

Sucre: The White Capital City

Located in the Southern highlands of Bolivia at an elevation of 2760m, Sucre is known as the ‘White City’ for its abundance of white-coloured colonial buildings. Sucre, founded in the[…]

Potosi: A snapshot of Bolivia’s Colonial Past

Take a Step Back into the Past Located in the Southern highlands of Bolivia, Potosi stands as a testament to a bygone era of Spanish Colonial wealth and grandeur. This[…]

The must do in Bolivia: Salar de Uyuni

World’s Largest Salt Lake Located in the South of the country near the town of Uyuni, Bolivia boasts a natural wonder that captivates the imagination, the Salar de Uyuni. This[…]

Discover Isla del Sol: A Different Way of Life

The Mystical Island of the Sun Located at an altitude of over 3,800 meters (12,467 feet) above sea level on Lake Titicaca, Isla del Sol is a rugged island that[…]